We Help Get Your Brand on

Artists & Influencers

Product placement for upcoming & established brands.


Getting Artists & Influencers to wear your brand is Really Hard!

We've been there, we totally understand how hard it is to reach an artist or an influencer to wear you product.

That's why we created Placemnts, to help brands like yourself get product placement without the headaches, run-around and frustration.

Let us help you get brand Placemnt.

Why You Should Choose Placemnts?

Get Access to exactly who you need

Easily find the ideal Artist, Influencers, Producer, or Model that you want to represent your brand.

Need a title to go here

need a description to go into this section that explains what it does.

Get Real Results

Our team delivers results with photos / videos you can use for your brand on social media and marketing campaigns.


Our Artists & Influencers

Finally! there's an easier way of getting your products on Artists & Influencers.